Today we are announcing the General Availability (GA) of the Pure Storage® FlashArray Management Extension for Microsoft® SQL Server® Management Studio. At [...]
Today marks a significant milestone for Pure Storage as we announce the release of a new extension for Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). This [...]
Microsoft Ignite is just around the corner from November 4 - 8th in Orlando, FL, and Pure Storage is proud to be a Silver Sponsor in 2019. Make plans to stop [...]
18 days until the 4th Pure//Accelerate and it's jammed packed full of great sessions covering a ton of different new products, features and solutions. My team [...]
At Pure//Accelerate 2018 Cody Hosterman and I delivered a session on "Moving Data Between Cloud and On-Premises Virtualized Environments". The focus of this [...]
In August 2017 we announced the release of our >Hybrid Cloud with AWS and the demonstration in this blog is a follow-up to show how to leverage FlashRecover [...]
I am happy to announce the availability of the new Microsoft Platform Guide on the Pure1 Support site. The new platform guide is a complete re-write from [...]
At //Accelerate 2017 we announced a lot of new features for Purity//FA and one of the more interesting is CloudSnap. Omer Asad wrote a great blog that provides [...]
Hot off the presses, the new FlashStack™ Mini Converged Infrastructure Design Guide for Microsoft Applications with Hyper-V (Download). This new FlashStack [...]
During the Pure//Accelerate 2016 conference we announced the Pure Storage Hybrid All-Flash Cloud with Microsoft Azure. During the conference we presented [...]
Today is an exciting day at Pure Storage! Holding our 1st User Conference: Pure//Accelerate; announcing new products: FlashArray//m10 and FlashBlade; along [...]
Commvault adds orchestration and functional value on top of the Pure Storage FlashRecover Snapshot technology with the IntelliSnap™ technology snapshot [...]
Microsoft SQL Server is one of the primary workloads that Pure Storage customers run on our FlashArray and a frequent question we get is on the topic of [...]
I’m back from my blogging hiatus after wrapping up the new FlashStack Converged Infrastructure Design Guide for SQL 2014. This was a fun and challenging [...]
I recently helped with a simple proof of concept to enable the ability to create a number of SQL Server databases without the need to have the MDF and LDF [...]
Uninterrupted database performance with AlwaysOn Availability Groups and native FlashArray-based replication
Microsoft SQL Server is an increasingly vital [...]
This document provides a reference architecture for deploying Microsoft SQL Server 2014 AlwaysOn Availability Groups on a Pure Storage FlashArray. This [...]
One of the demonstrations that I created for VMworld 2014 was to create a simple orchestration for refreshing a SQL Server 2014 database volume and [...]
New Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Reference Architecture for Pure Storage FlashArray’s is available. This document provides a reference architecture [...]
With the release of the Purity Operating Environment 4.0 comes the new Pure Storage Volume Shadow Copy Service Provider (Pure VSS Provider). The Pure VSS [...]
@8arkz -- June 20/17 -- I need to re-write this to use the new PowerShell SDK.
While working on the early testing for the SQL Server 2012 Reference [...]
I had the best Christmas at home and at Pure. The week before Christmas I spent time racking the gear and getting everything squared away so I could start [...]
I’ve been building out some new servers with Windows Server 2012 R2 to start working on a new Microsoft SQL Server Reference Architecture on Pure Storage and [...]