A common question I get about the Pure Storage Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) provider is; “How can I replicate a VSS snapshot?” Our VSS provider takes FlashProtect snapshots of individual volumes but those volumes cannot be part of a Protection Group. The VSS provider does know about Protection Group and does not natively provide the ability to take an application-consistent snapshot and replicate to one or more other FlashArrays.
To address this limitation in the current implementation of our VSS provider (version 1.1) I have created the below sample script to perform the following:
- Create a VSS snapshot using the PowerShell Toolkit.
- Retrieve the application-consistent snapshots (Eg. ‘*VSS*’) from the target volume.
- Create a new volume from the VSS snapshot.
- Create a new Protection Group and set the members and target FlashArray for replication.
- Grant the Protection Group on the target array to Allow replication.
- Replicate now on the source array.
This basic workflow provides the ability to replication application-consistent snapshots as soon as they are taken. I will be adding this to the PowerShell Toolkit as a wrapper to several PowerShell SDK cmdlets. In the below example there isn’t any clean-up of the work because I leave that up to the implementer using the sample script. I will add a clean-up on the cmdlet which will reverse the work and treat this as a dynamic operation.
- Install the latest VSS Provider (1.1) on the host(s). Download the installer from https://github.com/purestorage-connect/vss.
- Configure the VSS Provider using PureProviderConfig.
- Example: C:\Program Files\Pure Storage\VSS\Provider\PureProviderConfig add –url https://myarray –username pureuser –password <password> MyArray
- Install the PowerShell SDK ( on the host(s). See instructions.
- Install the PowerShell Toolkit ( on the host(s). See for instructions.
Sample PowerShell script:
New-VolumeShadowCopy -Volume D: -ScriptName VssReplication -MetadataFile VssReplcation -VerboseMode On $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError Get-PfaVolume -Array $FlashArray -Name 'boneyard3' $VSSSnapshot = Get-PfaVolumeSnapshots -Array $FlashArray -VolumeName 'boneyard3' | ?{ $_.name -like '*VSS*' } New-PfaVolume -Array $FlashArray -Source $VSSSnapshot.name -VolumeName 'VssReplSnapshotVol' $Target = Get-PfaArrayConnections -Array $FlashArray New-PfaProtectionGroup -Array $FlashArray -Name 'VssRepl-PGroup' -Volumes 'VssReplSnapshotVol' -Targets $Target.array_name $source = 'solutions-lab-m20-c09-29:VssRepl-PGroup' $FlashArrayRepl = New-PfaArray -EndPoint -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError Grant-PfaReplicationToTargetProtectionGroup -Array $FlashArrayRepl -Name $source New-PfaProtectionGroupSnapshot -Array $FlashArray -Protectiongroupname 'VssRepl-PGroup' -ReplicateNow