Pure Storage support uses Remote Assist to help customers upgrade and troubleshoot should an issue arise. There have been a few requests from our System Engineers about identifying if an active Remote Assist session exists. This script can be used by customers, partners and the Pure Storage field to check.
$FlashArrayIP = Read-Host "FlashArray DNS/IP" $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $FlashArrayIP -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError While ($true) { If ((Get-PfaRemoteAssistSession -Array $FlashArray).Status -eq 'disabled') { Set-PfaRemoteAssistStatus -Array $FlashArray -Action connect } else { Write-Warning "Remote assist session not active." Start-Sleep 30 } }
Download script from https://github.com/barkz/PurePowerShellGuy.