I have been asked the question about how do you overwrite a volume using the PowerShell SDK that is connected from a Windows Server a few times so here is how its done!
In this example I have a Windows Server 2016 system that has several volumes connected using Fibre Channel, the same steps apply if you are using iSCSI. The volume that I will be working with is PSRepository. This is an PowerShell Gallery folder that contains .ps1 file.
The steps to perform an overwrite:
(1) Connect to the FlashArray
PS C:\> $FlashArray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint -Credentials (Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateError cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1 Supply values for the following parameters: Credential
(2) Check the connection to the FlashArray. Optional step, just illustrating here that we have a connection to the FlashArray.
PS C:\> $FlashArray Disposed : False EndPoint : UserName : pureuser ApiVersion : 1.7 Role : ArrayAdmin ApiToken : 58db6abf-1933-553f-1628-0c6e207aba1e
(3) Retrieve the volume. Optional step as I just want to illustrate the volume exists on the FlashArray.
PS C:\> Get-PfaVolumes -Array $FlashArray | Where-Object { $_.name -like '*PS*' } | Format-Table -AutoSize source serial created name size ------ ------ ------- ---- ---- 45084F3508BF4614000111A7 2016-11-02T16:21:05Z PSRepository 268435456000
(4) Create a snapshot of the PSRepository volume. For this example I use the Suffix and set to Overwrite. This is the snapshot we will restore (overwrite) in a few steps.
PS C:\> New-PfaVolumeSnapshots -Array $FlashArray -Sources PSRepository -Suffix Overwrite source : PSRepository serial : 45084F3508BF461400011AC1 created : 2017-05-12T16:51:46Z name : PSRepository.Overwrite size : 268435456000
To prove the overwrite operation takes place I have made copies of the Untitled.ps1 files into the same folder.
(5) Offline the Windows Server volume.
$Volume = Get-PfaVolume -Array $f -Name 'PSRepository' Get-Disk -SerialNumber $Volume.serial | Set-Disk -IsOffline $true
(6) Perform the overwrite operation with the snapshot we named PSRepository.Overwrite
PS C:\> New-PfaVolume -Array $FlashArray -Source PSRepository.OverWrite -VolumeName PSRepository -Overwrite source : PSRepository serial : 45084F3508BF4614000111A7 created : 2017-05-12T16:51:46Z name : PSRepository size : 268435456000
(7) Online the Windows Server volume.
$Volume = Get-PfaVolume -Array $f -Name 'PSRepository' Get-Disk -SerialNumber $Volume.serial | Set-Disk -IsOffline $false
From the screenshot below you can see the the original snapshot has overwritten the volume where we had made copies of the .ps1 files.
Go forth and automate!